Saturday, May 19, 2012

Monster High Prom

I've been wanted to do a few "Prom" shots ever since I finally got a Gil to go with my Lagoona, but I didn't have the right clothes.  Thanks to the miracles of ebay I've got a tux for Gil (an altered one from "Twilight" Ken) and an adorable handmade beaded dress for Lagoona.

Oh Gil, it's going to be the best night ever!

Mom, you're embarrassing me with all the photos, I feel like a fish out of water!

Ah, that's better!

Let's dance!

And then you've got to kiss the girl!

Oh Gil!

Edited to add hilarious photo shoot moment - me putting Lagoona down for a moment while I finished getting Gil dressed and seconds later one of my kids yelling "Mom, one of the kitties has your doll!"  He got her away from the cats before the ripped her to shreds.  Our cats LOVE to eat mohair!

1 comment:

  1. They are so pretty!
    I love how soft and loving Lagoona looks!
